New Reservation Grooming Request Cancelation RequestFORM-Reservation Request Notify Party_RSVPCUSER-PhoneNET_USERReservation RequestHave an Account? Click HERE to LoginSigned in Client: EmailPhone/MobileDogs NameFor multiple dogs, separate names with commas.Last NameReservation RequestDogs NameFor multiple dogs, separate names with commas.Request For *OtherRequest For *OtherRequest ForFor multiple dogs, separate names with commas. Upcoming ReservationsDropdownView Schedule for… (Optional) View ScheduleReservation TypeArrival / Drop-Off 7:00 to 10:00 AMReservation TypeDeparture / Pick-Up 2:00 to 7:00 PMReservation For Daycare BoardingDaycare DateArrival / Drop-Off 7:00 to 10:00 AMDeparture / Pick-Up 2:00 to 7:00 PMHoliday Hours/Rate ApplyDetailsHoliday Arrival: 8:00 to 10:00 AMHoliday Departure: 2:00 to 5:00 PMArrival DateArrival / Drop-Off 7:00 to 10:00 AM 2:00 to 5:00 PMHOLIDAY Arrival / Drop-Off 8:00 to 10:00 AM🛑NOTE: Holiday Hours in effect for selected arrival! PM Drop Off NOT Available!BA-HolidayBD-HolidayHB-CalcHB-Calc2Holiday Hours/Rate ApplyDetailsHoliday Arrival: 8:00 to 10:00 AM PM Drop-Off NOT Available!Departure DateDeparture / Pick-Up 7:00 to 10:00 AM 2:00 to 7:00 PMHOLIDAY Departure / Pick-Up 8:00 to 10:00 AM 2:00 to 5:00 PM🛑NOTE: Holiday Hours in effect for selected departure!Holiday Hours/Rate ApplyDetailsHoliday AM Departure: 8:00 to 10:00 AMHoliday PM Departure: 2:00 to 5:00 PMWill you be reachable via cell phone while you are away? Yes Limited / Email Only No, use Emergency ContactAre your Emergency Contact Current & Available? Yes NoEmergency Contact Notice!One Emergency Contact is REQUIRED that would be able to pick up your dog in the event of a building emergency if you are NOT able to. Emergency contacts can NOT be second owner.Update Emergency Contacts? Yes NoContact 1 NameContact 1 Phone NumberContact 2 NameContact 2 Phone NumberContact 3 NameContact 3 Phone NumberI understand that my pet’s vaccinations need to be current to stay at Happy Hounds. I Understand – my pet’s vaccinations need to be current to stay at Happy Hounds.CommentsSubmit Request FORM-Grooming Scheduling Newsletter Party_RSVPCUSER-PhoneNET_USERWelcome to MyAccount!We are still working on syncing your MyAccount with our records!Please check back in 1-2 hours.Where are the Pups At!We could not find any active dogs associated with your account!Dogs that have not attended within the last 6 months may automatically be marked in-active.Please call (734) 459-3647 to re-activate your userNo Active DogsDaycare & Grooming RequestGrooming For: Grooming For: Request Date:Drop Off/Arrival: 7:00 to 10:00 AMEstimated Pick-Up: 2:00 to 4:00 PM 4:00 to 7:00 PMRequested Service: Bath Bath+Haircut Nail Trim Ala CarteDogStyleCut-1StyleCut-2StyleCut-3D1-BreedUpD1-DiscountStyleCut-4StyleCut-5StyleCut-6D2-BreedUpp1p2p3D1-BreedUpStylep4p5p6D2-BreedUpStyleBath CalcStyleCalcNail Trim1Weight+952Weight+95Bath for ! Breed: Weight: lbsBath for ! Breed: Weight: lbsBath + Haircut for ! Breed: Weight: lbsBath + Haircut for ! Breed: Weight: lbsNail Trim for ! Breed: Weight: lbsNail Trim for ! Breed: Weight: lbsBase Price: $Based on Weight & Fur TypeBath: $ + Haircut/StyleBased on Weight & Fur TypePrice: $18Deep-Cleansing ShampooBlow-DryScented SpritzDeep-Cleansing ShampooBlow-Dry Haircut / StyleScented SpritzShampoo Selection: 🟣Deep-Cleansing Shampoo (Light Fragrance) 🟣Hypoallergenic (Fragrance Free)Scented Spritz? 🟣Yes Please 🟣No Thank YouDescribe as best as possible the following:Example / Previous Groom Photo:📸 Upload Example Photo Optional – Photo of Example or previous groomHaircut Style / DetailsFace StyleEar StylePamper your Pup! Available Add-On’s 🧹De-Shedding Treatment +$10 🧴 Hydrating Conditioner +$8 💅 Nail Trim/Buffing +$15 👂 Ear Cleaning +$10 👂 Ear Plucking +$15 🪒 Paw Pad Shave +$10 🐾 Moisturizing Paw Balm +$10 🦷 Teeth-Brushing +$10 🛁 Medicated Bath +$20Medicated bath helps alleviate skin inflammation and itching! Great for pup’s with hot spots, skin conditions, and allergies!Nails CutBuffing FinishPamper your Pup! Available Add-On’s: 🪒 Paw Pad Shave +$15 🐾 Moisturizing Paw Balm +$10 👂 Ear Cleaning +$10 👂 Ear Plucking +$15 🦷 Teeth-Brushing +$10Select Desired Services: 🐾 Moisturizing Paw Balm $10 💅 Nail Trim/Buffing $18 🪒 Paw Pad Shave $15 👂 Ear Cleaning $15 👂 Ear Plucking $15 🦷 Teeth-Brushing $15Do your pup receive medication prior to grooming? Yes NoWhat Medication? How Much?Client Contact NameClient Phone NumberCommentsEstimated Cost: $Based on Weight & Fur TypeNote: Additional fees may apply for matted / impacted furEstimated Cost: $I understand calculated price is only an estimate and final cost may vary. I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.a1a7a2Estimated Costa3a4a8a5a9a6a10a11Submit Request FORM-Cancellation Request Updates CUSER-PhoneCancelation RequestHave an Account? Click HERE to LoginNET_USERE-Mail AddressPhone NumberDogs NameFor multiple dogs, separate names with commas.Last NameCancelation RequestDogs NameFor multiple dogs, separate names with commas.Request For *OtherRequest For *OtherRequest ForFor multiple dogs, separate names with commas. Upcoming ReservationsDisplay Schedule For:View Schedule for… (Optional)Cancelation For Daycare Boarding GroomingDate to CancelArrival Date for BoardingReason for CancellationGroom-TextName-Dog1Name-Dog2I have read and understand the Cancellation PolicySubmit Request